About us

Somerton Area Dementia Action Alliance (SADAA) was created in 2018 by organisations and individuals working together to make Somerton and the surrounding villages a better place for those living with dementia. In Sept 2018 we adopted a Constitution incorporating the following Mission Statement.

SADAA aims to raise awareness of dementia and its impact, and to spur and support action which will help transform the quality of life of people with dementia and those who care for them in the area around Somerton. With this aim we seek:-
  • To encourage the development of a Dementia friendly community for people living with dementia in the Somerton Area, and their carers and families, supported by all voluntary and statutory services, business and the wider community.
  • To recruit members as individuals or representing businesses, organisations and community groups in Somerton and the surrounding villages.
  • To liaise with, and support, other local Dementia Action Alliances and organisations with similar aims.
  • To establish and maintain effective support through information sharing networks.
  • To ensure that people living with Dementia and their carers and families have a platform, so their voice can be heard.
  • To promote the work of the DAA.
In short, we seek to make Somerton a place where those living with dementia can feel welcome, safe, well-supported and valued. 

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