
Somerton Area Dementia Action Alliance (SADAA) Draft Privacy Statement
How we manage your personal data
Read below how we use your data and how you can change the way we communicate with you.
We use your information to help us communicate relevant information about dementia, about things that are happening in our neighbourhood and to keep you informed of events we are organising.

What is personal data?
Your personal data is information that identifies you; such as your date of birth or your address or describes you and reveals something about you, for example your health information or your opinions. If you have engaged with us previously, we may hold information about this, for example, whether you are a dementia friend and/or if you have volunteered to help with events.
We will respect your privacy and your rights and only process information about you where we have a legitimate need to do so.

How we use your information

To help you take action
Where you sign up as a member, or take part in an event with us, we will collect, hold and use your information to help you undertake that action. This may mean contacting you with information about the action, or sending you resources to help you take part. We do so to ensure you have the best experience possible, we fulfil our agreed commitment to you and the aim of the action is achieved.
When you sign up to take part in activities, we may ask you to provide information to enable us to provide a safe and suitable environment for you. For example, if the activity involves some risk or physical exertion (such as fundraising walks), you may be asked to provide some information about your health. If as part of an event we will be providing you with food, we may ask you to disclose any dietary requirements or allergies you would like us to cater for so you have the best experience possible.

To send you information about ways you can take action
By supporting us, you're doing something incredible to help families affected by dementia. We'd love to keep in touch, and update you on the latest news, research, and how you can do more to help by fundraising, campaigning, or volunteering.
With your consent we will keep you up to date with our news by email, SMS, telephone or social media and let you know how you can continue to support us and take part in future action. We may also, occasionally, keep you up to date by mail. You can let us know any time you no longer want to receive these letters or change your preferences.

To promote the work of SADAA
It makes a difference if, when explaining what we do, we can use real-life stories and information to bring this to life and show the impact of dementia and how individuals are taking action.
For this purpose we may take photographs or footage at SADAA events, or other events at which we are present, to use in marketing materials. Where this is going to happen, you will be informed at the start of the event and given the opportunity to choose not be photographed.
Where information is collected that clearly identifies you (for example, a picture where you are the focus of your story), we will explain beforehand that we’d like to do this and what it will be used for and ask you if you are happy for us to use it for these purposes. You will be given regular opportunities to confirm you are still happy for your information to be used and we won’t use your information in any different way without your agreement.
Anonymous statistics about you may be created from the information you provide and shared with relevant and appropriate partners. This will be done to highlight the work of SADAA and size and activities of the organisation.

To check if our work is effective
As a small, voluntary organisation, we are reliant on outside funding, so it’s really important that we spend our money and use resources effectively and efficiently. We may analyse the details you have provided us along with further information about you that we have obtained from public and/or private sources. We may contact you and ask you to take part in market research opportunities or ask for feedback. Participation is completely voluntary but it helps us to know what we are doing well, or what you feel we could be doing better. This will ensure the
opportunities we are offering for people to get involved are relevant and appropriate to our work.

Sharing your information
SADAA does not sell your information to other charities or organisations.
We do use suppliers to help us fulfil orders and engage with you. We’ve undertaken due diligence on all these organisations and have entered into contracts requiring them to only process your information for the purposes we instruct them to and in a safe manner.
If you sign up to take part in an event which is hosted or organised by a third-party, we may need to share relevant information with them which is necessary to help ensure your safe participation.
If you sign up to take part in an event through a corporate partnership with your employer, limited depersonalised information may be shared about your involvement with them.
With your consent, we may pass your information on to media organisations to use to promote the our work.
We may need to share information with government agencies where we have a legal obligation to do so (for example, with HMRC for gift aid purposes).
SADAA will not share your information with any other organisation without your consent other than under the following circumstances:
  • With the organisers of events you’re attending as long as it is justified and lawful;
  • If we are required to by law e.g. to the police if we agree it is essential to the prevention or detection of a crime;
  • If we feel it is in the vital interests of yourself or another person for example in a medical emergency.
  • Receiving information from third parties
SADAA will only receive information from third parties about you in the following circumstances:
  • Where you have donated money via a third party platform
  • If you have signed up for a third-party event and are raising money for SADAA
  • Aggregated information about you (for example your age range) collected from publically available sources
  • Information that you have placed in the public domain
Where this is the case, or in any unique circumstance not covered by the list above, we will ensure you know this has happened and explain what kind of information the third party has given to us.

Storing your information
We keep your information only as long as is needed for the purpose we were collecting and using it for and then we dispose of it securely. We have a robust Schedule for securely holding and disposing of supporter and member information. How long we keep your information depends upon our relationship with you.
The record we keep of your interaction with us as a supporter will be kept for up to ten years from the date of our last engagement with you. After this point, your record will be anonymised so you are not able to be identified from the information held.
Some information sets not kept in our supporter database (for example, event registration forms) will be kept for less time. Once the business need to keep information has passed, we will ensure that we either dispose of this information, or anonymises the information so that you cannot be identified any more.
If you ask us to stop sending you direct marketing material, we will need to keep limited contact information about you to make sure we do not mistakenly send you direct marketing in the future. We’ll keep this limited information for 10 years.

Where is your information held?
We hold most information on IT systems which meets the requirements of the GDPR and the data is suitably password protected. Some information may be kept in a paper record format, but where possible this will be transferred to an electronic record and the paper record securely disposed of.
Where we use other organisations to help us operate they may hold information outside the UK. However, where this is the case we make sure that your rights are protected through engaging in appropriate due diligence and robust contract management.
If you support us by donating money, we have to keep records of this in our accounts for 7 years.

Security and confidentiality
SADAA takes care to ensure the security of your information in use, storage and transmission and that it is only accessed by verified persons who have the necessary authority. All of our people who have access to your personal information are obliged to respect the confidentiality of this information and we deliver training to make sure this happens.

Your consent
If we are using your personal information on the basis of your agreement then at any time you can withdraw your consent, by email, and we will not carry out any further processing on that basis.

Further rights
If, at any time, you want to see what information we hold on you, receive a portable copy of it, ask for corrections to be made or ask us to stop using your information in any way, then please do contact us and we’ll do our best to respect your wishes.

How to contact us
If you have any questions about how we are using your information or wish to change any or all of the information we hold, or your specific permissions, then you can contact us as follows:
    by email to
There is also an online form for general enquiries on our web site
If you wish to receive a copy of your personal information or ask us to correct the information we hold about you or to stop using your information then please contact us at:
  • by email to:
If you are unhappy with how we are processing your information then you can contact us as outlined above including using the on-line feedback form. If you are still unhappy after receiving our response, you can raise your concern to the Information Commissioner’s Office for them to investigate. 

How we use cookies on
What are cookies?
This website uses cookies. A cookie is a small text marker stored on your computer that enables us to track the use of our website. Learn more about cookies on
This site uses cookies in order to provide a service to visitors. No personal data is stored in cookies which are used to 
  • to allow users to log in to the web site
  • to check that cookies can be set and therefore determine whether a user is able to log in
  • to store a reference to form data that is stored on the web server.
  • to help us better understand how visitors engage with this website. 
Managing cookies
Cookies help ensure that our website experience is as good as it can be for our users, and that our digital communications is as efficient as it can be (so we spend less money). Cookies pose little threat to your privacy, but some people may want to turn them off anyway. Please be aware that if you disable all cookies, some elements of our website may not work properly. You can find out how to turn off cookies for popular browses as indicated below.

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