If you want to help shape the future of SADAA, or suggest activities that might help those living with dementia in the area, please contact us at somertondaa@gmail.com. You can join us by completing the form on our Members page.
We have already established two Safe Places in Somerton, so that anyone living with dementia who gets lost in the town can be taken, with Police permission, to one of them to await collection by a carer or family member. This should provide a much less traumatic experience than a long trip to the police station. Full instructions and promotional material are being produced, pending a public launch early in 2019.
On this web site we have a Diary of events, including our own meetings, activities in and around the town and across a wider area of our County. We work cooperatively with Statutory and other public bodies, voluntary organisations and other local DAAs to maintain this listing. We rely on members of the public making us aware of what is going on locally. If you have events taking place that are relevant and appropriate to anyone living with dementia, we would be happy to receive details at somertondaa@gmail.com.
We discussed possible future events, facilities and activities at our AGM, and some suggested ideas are as follows:
- Directory of Services - where to go for help (in the interim, use our Diary)
- Memory Cafe
- Accessible Technology event
- Memory boxes/books and oral histories
- Carer support group where carers can get together, relax and share information
- More activities to keep physically fit and mentally active
- Transport - to and from appointments or activities
- Respite support - visiting/sitting service