Wednesday, 6 February 2019

Changes to Dementia day services in Somerset

Somerset County Council is changing the way it provides day time activities for people with memory loss or dementia. To move from a point of directly contracting one type of service to having a flourishing, sustainable colourful market of services SCC recognise pump prime funding is required to stimulate development of the market.
If you run, organise or plan to introduce a service that is relevant for those living with dementia, as an individual or organisation, meeting the priority needs below, grants may be available.
  1. Enabling day-time activities for people with moderate to severe dementia including supporting people experiencing complex symptoms of dementia. e.g. prone to wandering off or challenging behaviour.
  2. Enabling unpaid carers to have respite from their caring role.
  3. Enabling younger people (up to 60 years old) with memory loss or dementia to take part in activities and services which meet their needs
Contact: Heather Brumby
Senior Commissioning Officer,
Somerset County Council – Adult and Health Commissioning Team